Stanible is the go-to platform for fans to purchase one-of-a-kind digital collectibles from celebrity creators: actors, influencers, athletes, singers, and many more.
Christian San Jose (Design Lead)
March - June 2022
We are all, in some way, a fan of something. One can be very knowledgeable about the latest NBA Stars in the arena, the exciting gaming communities, or perhaps a K-Pop Group that has swooned millions. But once you take it to the next level, a whole new world opens up in front of your eyes. We call them, Stans.
Stans are particularly one of the most dedicated and enthusiastic members of a fandom. They love to keep up with the latest news, purchase merchandise religiously, and more importantly connect with fellow Stans in their community. Nothing beats the feeling of getting to interact with like-minded people while expressing yourself through what you love as an individual.
If you are lucky, you may eventually get acknowledged by your favorite celebrity or influencer. Honestly, depending on the size of your community, this can almost be impossible.
Social Media apps are one of the most used platforms for Stans to interact through. Popular apps such as Twitter and Instagram are some of the easiest ways to connect with a fandom. One-click on a hashtag or post, a whole new world may open up. But let’s face it, even if you try to interact with your favorite celebrity you will most likely get ignored. In most cases, this applies to bigger and more well-known celebrities or influencers.
Initially, Stanible only allowed users to purchase digital collectibles. Once a user collected one, they were limited to showcasing them on their profile pages.